I married the man of my dreams, the love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate, on July 28,2001 when I was a mere 20 year old young woman. We had a rough start in our marriage, financially, but I feel it's part of what shaped us into the couple we are today. For that, I'm eternally thankful. When you're at your worst, and look around to see people offering a helping hand, you know you're loved.
I've wanted to be a Mommy more than anything else for as long as I can remember. My biggest fear since reaching adulthood was that this dream would never become a reality. Just after getting married, I was ready to start planning a family. As fate would have it, my husband was laid off about 2 weeks before we wed, and I was a full-time student in a Medical Assisting program working only part-time at a hotel chain. Obviously, this was not the time to try to get pregnant. Things got worse. Following 9/11, and a huge slump in travelers, the hotel chain I was working for laid me off. There we were, newlyweds, both in school, and jobless. Over the next several months, my hubby found temp job after temp job, one of which finally turned into a great full-time, permanent job. He put his schooling on hold.
I graduated from college as a Medical Assistant in December 2003, became certified, and began working full-time at the doctor's office I'd been introduced to during clinicals in school. One problem: no benefits. Approximately 1 year later, I found another job, WITH benefits and great pay at a brand new Urgent Care office. We started looking for a house and started thinking of expanding our much desired family. Due to slow business in this brand new office, I was laid off. Again.
I was a bit more positive this time. After a long talk over some Southern barbeque with my Daddy, I decided to go back to school. For Nursing this time. Something I was too scared to attempt right out of high school. I applied and was accepted into the Nursing school program. I'd start in the Fall of 2005. My dear hubby began working 2 jobs to support us so that I could concentrate completely on the educational version of boot camp that is Nursing School. I graduated in May 2007, accepted a job at a local, small-town hospital, and passed my nursing boards on the first try in July. Finally, things we're looking up. Except my hubby was laid off, again, from his full-time job during the exact hour I was being interviewed for my first nursing job. Thankfully, he still had that part-time job he'd started while I was in school. We were still ok.
We relocated to the small town where I was now employed in August 2007. We were finally, actually, going to try for a baby of our own, and couldn't be happier.
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