Week 27. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone?
Since the last blog, I've outgrown my engagement and wedding rings. After 4 days of a naked ring finger, I headed to Wal-mart for an inexpensive temporary replacement. It just felt too weird to have a naked left ring finger for the first time in almost 11 years. Then the new ring took some getting used to also.
There's been many,
many times I never thought I'd make it here. Now that I have, I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. I still smile with every wiggle, punch and kick I feel. Although, now that baby Abigail has started finding little corners to get
stuck in, I find myself asking her to move, and lightly pushing her or repositioning hoping it'll force her to move somewhere else. She seems to like my bladder. I think she dances on it. I swear, I spend more time in the bathroom
trying to go when I really don't have to, all because of little Abigail.
We had an OB appt today -- 27 weeks and 2 days. My uterus measured in at 29 weeks, so she's still consistently measuring at least a week ahead. Her heart rate was in the 140's via doppler -- the nurse had to chase her around my uterus a bit to get a good reading though thanks to the sugar high from the Glucola I drank this morning. My urine was normal. My BP is still good. My total weight gain over my pre-pregnancy weight is 6.2 lbs (I'm oh so proud of this accomplishment since I'm already overweight). My hematocrit was normal at 38%, so I still don't need an iron supplement (YAY!). All in all, a good appt.
I had my glucose tolerance test (GTT) this morning to check for gestational diabetes. They look for your sugar to be less than 130 an hour after you finish drinking the Sunkist-flavored orange syrup. Mine was a little high at 147. *sigh* Great. So, that won me another test that will require me to have a fasting sugar level checked, followed by drinking the Glucola again. I'll then have my sugar checked 1 hour after completion, then again 2 hours after completion, and once again 3 hours after completion. In other words, I'm gonna be STARVING and irritated and poked at for an entire morning.
I don't mind blood draws. I HATE getting my finger pricked. Besides the increased risks to me and Abigail if I'm diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I really don't want more needles. I've learned to tolerate the nightly Lovenox shots and the weekly Progesterone shots, but I don't care to add multiple fingersticks to my daily schedule with the possibility of insulin injections to top it all off. I'll do it if I have to, because I'd do anything for this baby girl, but I
really don't want to.
After our appt, but before my GTT results came in, we headed for a lunch date at Olive Garden. The Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli is my weakness. Add in the salad and breadsticks and my hubby, and it's a taste of Heaven.
27w2d outside of Olive Garden |