First of all, we FINALLY got my 3-hr GTT results -- I do NOT have gestational diabetes! YAY! Actually, my glucose level was low at the 3 hour mark. That explains the lightheadedness/dizziness/weakness I was feeling at that point.
Today, I'm 29w4d. My fundal height was 32 weeks. Abigail measured 31w4d via ultrasound. We got to see her up close and personal via 4-D u/s. It was so real. Her chubby cheeks. A (reflex) smile. A yawn (the absolute cutest yawn I've ever seen). A case of the hiccups. Some practice breaths. A glimpse of hair (yay! she's not bald!). She weighed in at 4 lbs, 1 oz. This calls for a follow-up ultrasound to check her growth in a month. We may be looking at a 10-pounder here (yikes)! She appears to be healthy though. Overall in the 76th percentile. I forgot to ask, but I think my weight gain is now a little less than 10 lbs. Makes me feel good knowing that's probably all baby/placenta/amniotic fluid/breast tissue. But the new Reese Peanut Butter Cups craving might have something to do with it too. Next u/s will be 12/1 (33w3d) to check her size again.
Video of Abigail Yawning
29w4d U/S |
Abigail |
Smile! |
Look at those cheeks! |
Yawn! |
Profile & Arm |
Look at those piggies! |
Us with our ultrasound ladies |
They love Abigail too :) |
We enjoyed a nice surprise of free lunch while shoe shopping. Seems I've outgrown my tennis shoes -- something I may have realized sooner if it weren't for the unseasonable-flipflop-weather. The ones I wear to work still fit because they are SO worn out, but they have no support left and have increased my back/leg pain. So, new shoes it is. They were on sale - kinda - and I had gift cards to cover the entire purchase.
I had a long, busy day of errands, but with my hubby beside me and my baby girl kicking inside me. Life is good.
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