I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last blog post!
Weeks 31 & 32 have flown by! Between another baby shower, a painful bottom that sent me to the GI doctor, Thanksgiving and working on Abigail's room, it's been crazy! Not to mention the first Braxton Hicks contractions!
Abigail has been very active too. The Dr and I both think she's still breech. So that means her head is enjoying getting stuck up under my ribs and allowing less room for my stomach (hello acid reflux!) and her butt and feet take turns pressing on my bladder. I'll be completely comfortable in a position and as soon as I change positions, I feel her move into a position that is anything but! I've been feeling jabs of not-so-soft elbows and knees too. Those can actually make me cringe. But if I try to push them out of the hole they're stuck in, she doesn't seem to appreciate it --- I then get kicked or hit elsewhere. She's a stubborn girl --- just like me :) We've started feeling full body rolls -- yep, her Daddy felt them too! So surreal!
The baby shower we had the weekend before Thanksgiving was so great! My sister, cousin, stepmama, and Aunt were great planners and hostesses! And we got to see many family members and friends we've been missing lately. All topped off with great food, fun games, and LOTS of stuff for Abigail. And, I have to say, my husband is so awesome. He has joined me at both of our showers so far. I've already told him he's off the hook for the next one though as long as he makes an appearance.
Cousin Amber |
Baby Cousin "Baby Girl Bradford" |
Mommy & Daddy |
31w6d |
Great Grandmama & Great Granddaddy Murphrey |
The Grandpas (Papa Pittman, Granddaddy Murphrey, & Papa Gardner) |
The Grandmamas (Nana Gardner, Mammy Pittman, & Reesie Murphrey) |
We're FINALLY working on Abigail's room. The double bed in there has been broken down and removed. Bedding, diaper stacker, valances, paint (and painting necessities) purchased and in the house. And just tonight, I started on her wall art canvases. The hubby plans to start painting tomorrow after work. I pray that my mental image looks great in reality. Once I put away the rest of the shower gifts (currently in bags/boxes in the middle of the floor) and make room for the crib, we can get that set up, bedding washed, and it'll look like a nursery :) And I'll be able to breathe SO much better with that weight lifted!
2 of the Wall Art Canvases made by ME |
Also, I have felt my first contractions. The very first one was on day 32w6d at 11:05 a.m. No matter how many people you ask to describe them, you still don't really know what to expect. I was at work having a crazy busy morning. I sat down to take a breather, and my uterus just started feeling really tight. From my pelvic bone up to my ribs. My abdomen felt rock hard. Not painful, just pressure. It was tight for several seconds, then started relaxing. Abigail then did all kinds of moving about. She was probably caught off guard as much as I was. This repeated every 45-55 mins x4. Finally, after having one at 4 and again at 4:25, I paged the on call OB. She confirmed what I suspected was just normal BHC, told me when I got off after 7 to drink a lot of water, take some Tylenol, and lay down with my feet up. As life would have it, I didn't have any more contractions that day after I spoke with her, but I did do as she said when I got home around 8. The following day, I drank more fluids, had a calmer day at work, but still had a couple contractions after lunch (and a cup of coffee). The contractions are making this so much more real. It's just crazy thinking that in roughly 4-7 weeks we'll have the baby girl we've been dreaming of and praying for.
Week 33 is here, and will be consisting of working on the nursery, thank you cards, an ultrasound (YAY!) to check Abigail's size and position, and our last baby shower before Abigail arrives. Busy busy! But, FUN FUN!